Software Testing Training Course
Software Testing Certification
Industry acceptable certification for Software Testing training which help fresher/Experienced to up-skill at corporate.
Experienced Faculty
Lead Test Engineer will provide real time project based Software Testing training for ISTQB + Manual Software Testing.
Placement Assistance
After completion of 70% Software Testing training our dedicated placement team arrange interview till placement.
Lab Facility
Practical Training help to gain exposure like corporate level with technical test series
Software Testing Workshop Sessions
Real time projects & best case study makes SLA workshop very unique and lively for learners.
Admin Support
For Learner’s, Our admin team fresh batch schedule/re-scheduling classes/arrange doubt classes.
Software Testing Course
Software Testing Programme Modules
Manual Software Testing Training Course
Software Testing Overview
- Introduction to Software Testing
- Objectives of Testing
- Software Development Process
- Project vs. Product
- Error / Fault / Failure
- Why Software has defects?
- Most common defects
- Cost of fixing defects
- Testing then … & Testing now…
- What is Verification & Validation
- Difference between QA & QC
- Role of a Tester
Principles of Testing
- Early Testing
- Exhaustive Testing Impossible
- Defect Clustering
- Pesticide Paradox
- Testing is Context Dependant
- Testing Should Show Presence of Defects
- Absence of Error is a Fallacy
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- SDLC Phases
- SDLC Models
- Waterfall Model
- V Model
- RAD Model
- Prototype Model
- Spiral Model
- Agile Model
Software Testing Methodologies
- Static Testing
- White Box Testing
- Black Box Testing
- Gray Box Testing
Static Testing Techniques
- Reviews
- Walkthroughs
White Box Testing
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
Black Box Testing
- System Testing
- User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- Alpha Testing
- Beta Testing
System Testing & Types of System Testing
- Smoke / Sanity Testing
- Formal Testing
- Priority Based/Risk Based Testing
- Ad-hoc Testing
- Re-Testing & Regression Testing
- End-to-End Testing
- Exploratory Testing
- Benchmark Testing
- Monkey Testing
- UI Testing
- Usability Testing
- Security Testing
- Performance Testing
- Load Testing
- Stress Testing
- Compatibility Testing
- Installation Testing
- Globalization Testing
- Localization Testing
- Recovery Testing
Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)
- Test Planning
- Test Strategy
- Test Plan
- Test Analysis
- Analyzing Functional Requirements
- Preparing Requirement Clarification
- Test Preparation
- Identifying & documenting Test Scenarios
- Test Case Design Techniques
- Decision Table Testing
- State Transition Testing
- Use case Testing
- Preparing Test Cases
- Preparing Test Data
- Preparing RTM
- Test Execution
- Build Release Process
- Executing Testcases
- Defect / Bug Life Cycle
- Defect Management
- What is defect?
- Defect Classification
- Defect Severity & Defect Priority
- Defect Report Template
- Defect Reporting & Defect Tracking
- Test Closure
- Criteria for Test Closure
- Status Reports (Daily & Weekly)
- Test Summary Reports
- Agile Testing
- Database Testing
Test Management & Defect Management Tools
- ALM (Quality Center)
- Jira
Structured Query Language
- Introduction to SQL
- Joining Tables
- Deleting Data
- Using Views
- Deleting Data
- Grouping Data
- Between Operator
Unix Basic Command
- Grep Command
- Find Command
- SSH Command
- VIM Command
- LS Command
- PWD Command
- CD Command
- Shut Down Command
- FTP Command
- Service Command
- PS Command
- Kill Command
- RM Command
- CP Command
- MV Command
- CAT Command
- PASSWD Command
- MKDIR Command
- UNAME Command
- WHATIS Command
- TAIL Command
- LESS Command
- PING Command
- Date Command
ISTQB Software Testing
Fundamentals of Testing
- Why is testing necessary
- Software systems context
- Causes of software defects
- Role of testing in software development, maintenance & operations
- Testing & quality
- How much testing is enough
- What is testing
- Seven testing principles
- Fundamental Test Process
- Test Planning & control
- Test analysis & design
- Test implementation & execution
- Evaluating exit criteria & reporting
- Test closure activities
- The psychology of testing
- Code of ethics
Testing throughout the Software Life Cycle
- Software Development Models
- V model
- Iterative models
- Testing within a lifecycle model
- Test Levels
- Component testing
- Integration testing
- System testing
- Acceptance testing
- Test Types
- Functional testing
- Non-functional testing
- Structural testing
- Regression testing
Static Techniques
- Static techniques & the test process
- Review Process
- Activities of a formal review
- Roles & responsibilities
- Types of reviews
- Success factors for reviews
- Static analysis by tools
Test Design Techniques
- Test development process
- Categories of test design techniques
- Black box techniques
- Equivalence Partitioning
- Boundary Value Analysis
- Decision Table Testing
- State Transition Testing
- Use case testing
- White box techniques
- Statement testing & coverage
- Decision testing & coverage
- Other structure-based techniques
- Experience-based techniques
- Choosing test techniques
Test Management
- Test Organization
- Test organization & independence
- Tasks of test leader & tester
- Test Planning & Estimation
- Test planning
- Test planning activities
- Entry criteria
- Exit criteria
- Test estimation
- Test strategy, test approach
- Test Progress Monitoring & Control
- Test progress monitoring
- Test reporting
- Test control
- Configuration Management
- Risk & Testing
- Project risks
- Product risks
- Incident Management
Tool Support for Testing
- Types of Test Tools
- Tool support for testing
- Test tool classification
- Tool Support for management of testing & tests
- Tool support for static testing
- Tool support for test specification
- Tool support for test execution & logging
- Tool support for performance & monitoring
- Tool support for specific testing needs
- Effective Use of Tools
- Potential benefits & risks
- Special considerations
- Introducing a tool into an organization
Advanced Selenium
Selenium Introduction & Java Basics-1
- Overview of Selenium
- Java Setup
- eclipse setup
- why java for selenium
- First eclipse project
- First Java Program
- Concept of Java class
- Data types in java
- String class, if statement, Loops, Array
- Practical usage of array & loops in selenium
Java Basics - 2
- Local variable, Global variable
- Static/Non static variable/function
- Object creation
- constructors
- Call by reference & call by value
- OOPS-Inheritance, overriding, overloading, Object class
- Packages, Access modifies
- Exception handling -Exception/Error, different type of exception
- Collection API
- Practical usage of Java concept in concept in selenium
File Handling, XML File, XLS handling
- Reading writing text file
- POI api, reading & writing in XLS
- Reading from XML file
- Junit/TESTNG overview
- JUNIT configuration
- JUNIT annotations
- Skipping Test
- Parameterization
- Assertion
- What is ANT
- JUNIT-Maven
- HTML Report generation Using ANT
TestNG Framework & Reports Generation
- Overview of TESTNG
- TestNG annotations
- Parameterization
- Grouping of test
- Setting priority
- skipping test
- Report Generation
Selenium IDE
- Installation of IDE
- Recording of script
- Running script
- Wait
- Verification/Assertion
- User Extension
- Regular expression
- RC introduction
Web Driver 2
- Overview of webdriver
- configuration
- Drivers for FF.IE, Chrome
- Firepath & firebug addon installation
- Inspecting element in FF, IE & chrome
- Finding element
- Absolute & relative xpath
- cssSelector as compare to xpath
- Handling dynamic object/ids on the page
- Handling Alert
- Handling multiple windows
- Close & quite difference
- Open & navigate
Data Driven Framework
- Overview of is data driven framework, keyword & Hybrid
- Why framework is required?
- Framework generation & structure design
- Test case creation
- xml
- Create util function, validation function
- Report & logging
- Screenshot
- Reading from XLS
- Run with ANT
Project: Page Object Model
- Overview of page object mode
- Page object model practical use
- Build maven project
- build page classes
- Build base page classes
- Create complete structure of framework
- Execution
- Overview of webdriver3
- Queries session?
Introduction to Automation Testing
- What is Automation Testing?
- Benefits of Automation Testing?
- Manual Testing vs. Automation Testing
- Types of Automation Testing Tools
- Tool Selection Criteria
- Automation Testing Process
- When should Test Automation be used?
- When should Test Automation be avoided?
Introduction to QuickTest
- Overview of Add-In Manager and QuickTest
- QuickTest Window and Tools
- QuickTest Commands
- Tools in QuickTest
Record and Playback
- Recording a Test
- Understanding your recorded Test
- Executing a Test
- Different Recording Levels
- Default Recording
- Analog Recording
- Low-Level Recording
- Analyzing the Results
Introduction to VBScript
- Difference between Languages and Scripts
- VB script Language Overview
- History of VBScript
- VBScript and Versions
- Difference between Languages and Scripting
- Purpose of comments:
- Types of Comments
- Comments and Shortcut keys
VB Script Variables
- Declaring Variables
- Option Explicit
- Naming Restrictions for Variables
- Scope of Variables
- Life Time of Variables
- Assigning Values to Variables
- Scalar Variables and Array Variables
- Dynamic Arrays
VB Script Data Types
- Variant Subtypes
VB Script Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- String Manipulation
Input/Output Operations
- InputBox Function
- MsgBox Function
- Creating Constants
Conditional Statements
- If Statement
- If…Then….Else Statement
- If…Then….ElseIf Statement
- Select…Case Statement
Loop through Code
- Do…Loop
- Do Until
- While…Wend
- For…Next
- For Each…Next
Other Statements Procedures
- Sub Procedures
- Function Procedures
Error Handling
- Handling Syntax & Runtime Errors
- Coding to Avoid Errors
- Coding to Handle Errors
- The Error Object
- The Raise Method
Built-In Functions
- String Functions
- Math Functions
- Date and Time Functions
- Why Debug
- Types of Bugs
- Stepping Through Code
- Watching Variable Values
Regular Expressions
Introduction to Objects
- What are Objects?
- Properties Defined
- Methods Defined
- Events Defined
- Referencing Objects
- Properties
- Classes
- Keywords
- Working with Test Objects and Object Repositories
- Object Repository Introduction
- How Objects are added into OR
- Identifying the Objects
- Viewing the Object Properties
- Object Repository Modes
- Per-Action vs. Shared Object Repository
- Object SPY
- OI Introduction
- User Defined Objects
- Smart Identification
- Managing Object Repositories
- Merging Shared Object Repositories
- Associating Shared Object Repositories to a Test
- Merging Object Repositories
- What is Synchronization?
- Synchronizing Your Tests
- Synchronization Methods
- Adding Wait Property Method
- Adding Wait Method, Adding Exist method
- Adding Sync Method
- Global Synchronization Settings
- Browser vs. Page Sync()
- Web Event Recording Configuration
- Introduction
- Adding Checkpoints while recording
- Types of Checkpoints
- Standard Checkpoint
- Text Checkpoint, Text area Checkpoint
- Bitmap Checkpoint
- Database Checkpoint
- Accessibility Checkpoint
- XML from Resource Checkpoint
- XML from Application Checkpoint
- Page Checkpoint, Table Checkpoint
- Image Checkpoint
- Updating Checkpoints at run time
Output values
- Introduction
- Types of Output Values
- Creating Output values
- Storing output values
- Introduction to Actions
- Types of Actions, Creating Actions
- Inserting Call to Actions
- Insert Call to Copy of Action
- Insert Call to Existing Action
- Splitting Actions
- Input and Output Parameters
- Action Template
Parameterization Tests and Data Driven Tests
- What is Parameterization?
- Parameterizing a Test Manually
- Parameterizing Using Actions
- Parameterizing Using DataTables
- Parameterizing Using Environment Variables
- Built-in Environment Variables
- Internal Environment variables
- External Environment Variables
- Parameterizing Using Random Number
Working with DataTables
- Introduction
- Working with global and Action Sheets
- Editing and Saving DataTables
- DataTable Methods
- DataTables and Database
- Importing and Exporting Data to/ from Spread Sheet
Regular Expressions
- Introduction to Regular Expressions
- Defining Regular Expressions
- Running and Analyzing Regular Expressions
- Regular Expression Characters
- When to use Regular Expressions in QuickTest
- Introduction
- Creating User-Defined Functions
- Advantages if Using functions
- Creating generic Functions
- Function Decomposition
- Read from Excel
- Write to Excel
- Step Generator
Recovery Scenarios
- Introduction to Trigger Events
- When to use Recovery Scenarios?
- Default Recovery Scenarios
- Recovery Function call
- Recovery Scenario Manager
- Error Handling
- Creating Recovery files
- Associating Recovery files
Virtual Objects
- Introduction
- What is Virtual Object?
- Creating Virtual Object
- Virtual Object Manager
- Entire Parent hierarchy
- Parent only
Mapping User-Defined Test Object Classes
- Introduction
- Object Mapping
- Standard Classes
Debugging in QuickTest
- Establishing our Debugging Configuration
- Using Break Points
- Step Into, Step Out and Step Over
- Debug viewer Pane
- Working with Watch Expressions Tab
- Working with the Variables Tab
- Working with the Command Tab
Library Files
- Associating a Library globally with a test
- Dynamically Loading libraries locally at run-time
- Dynamically Loading libraries globally at run-time
- Applicability of Option Explicit
Working with Databases
- Introduction
- Checking the state of Connection or Recordset
- Database Connectivity
- MS Access, SQL Server and Oracle
- Exporting the results of a query to DataTable
Working with Flat Files
- Introduction
- Types Flat Files, Modes of Flat Files
- Advantages FSO
Utility Objects
- The Crypt Object
- The Optional Step Object, The PathFinder Object
- The SystemUtil Object, The RegisterUserFunc Object
- The Services Object, With— End with
- Transactional Statements
QTP Automation Object Model
- Introduction
- Automation QuickTest Operations
- When to use AOM Scripts
- How can we use AOM to launch QuickTest on Remote Machine
- What is HTML?
- When to use HTML DOM?
- When not to use HTML DOM?
- HTML DOM Objects
- JavaScript Events and Actions
- Converting a DOM object QTP Test Object
Working with Web Tables
- Introduction
- Accessing the web tables
- Clicking on inside the web table
- Row count
- Column Count
- GetCellData
- ChildItemsCount
Working with MS Excel and MS Word
- Introduction
- The Excel Automation Object Model
- The Word Automation Object Model
Descriptive Programming
- Introduction
- Advantages of Descriptive Programming
- When to use Descriptive Programming
- Descriptive Programming syntax
- Using description objects
- The micclass Identifier
- Converting OR based script to a DP-based script
- Types DP/PD Methods
Implementing Test Automation Frame Works in Real Time Project
- Introduction
- Design Guidelines
- Advantages of Frame Work
- Types of Automation frameworks
- Support different application versions
- Implementing in Real-Time Environment
- Disadvantages of frameworks
Agile Testing Training Course
Introduction to Agile and Scrum
- Why Agile
- Course Objectives
- Target audience
- Traditional Development
- Problems with traditional software development
- Usage of features in a system
- Makings of a new approach
- Agile Manifesto
- Principles behind the Agile Manifesto
- Authors of the Agile Manifesto
- Agile Project Management Framework
- What is Scrum
- Certified Scrum Master
Agile Scrum Methodologies
- Agile Methodologies
- Feature Driven Development
- extreme Programming
- XP Values
- XP Practices
- XP Benefits
- Agile Unified Process
- Scrum
- Scrum Life cycle
Scrum Roles
- Scrum Roles
- Stakeholders
- Management of stakeholders
- Scrum lifecycle
- Product Owner
- Product Owners role
- Product Owners role
- Prioritization
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Prioritization based on Value and Risk
- Prioritizing requirements MoSCoW
- Prioritizing requirements Relative weighting method
- Scrum life cycle
- Scrum Master
- What does a Scrum Master Do
- What the Scrum Master Should NOT do
- Role of a Manager
Agile Scrum Ceremonies
- Scrum Ceremonies
- Timeboxing
- Advantages of timeboxing
- Release
- High-level view of a release
- Sprints
- Factors in selecting a Sprint duration
- Intensity of work
- No changes in a Sprint
- Daily Scrum
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Review
- Also check during a review
- Sprint Retrospective
- Making retrospectives effective
Scrum Artifacts
- Scrum Artifacts
- Product backlog
- Product backlog
- Product release and sprint backlog
- User story
- Example user story formal
- Story card information
- Multiple stories may be required to complete a feature
- Epics
- Writing good stories
- Splitting user stories
Scrum Best Practices
- Scrum Best Practices
- Refactoring
- Pair programming
- Continuous integration
- Practices of continuous integration
- Configuration management
- Quality in Agile
- Test-driven development
- Advantages of TDD
- Definition of Done
Scrum Planning
- Scrum Planning
- Principles behind Agile planning
- Release planning
- Velocity
- Sprint planning
Scrum Estimation
- Scrum Estimation
- Principles of Scrum estimation
- Estimation techniques
- Uncertainty in estimates
- Story points
- Story points example
- Using story points
- Comparing the approaches
- Estimation techniques Planning poker
- Planning poker an example
- Planning poker tips
- Advantages of planning poker
Monitoring Scrum Projects
- Monitoring Scrum Projects
- Charts in Scrum
- Burn-down chart: Iteration level
- Burndown chart Project level
- Escaped defects found
- Velocity chart
- Progress Chart
Fundamental Agile Testing Principles, Practices, and Processes
- The Differences between Testing in Traditional and Agile Approaches
- Testing and Development Activities
- Test Levels
- Testing and Configuration Management
- Organizational Options for Independent Testing
- Status of Testing in Agile Projects
- Communicating Test Status, Progress, and Product Quality
- Managing Regression Risk with Evolving Manual and Automated Test Cases
- Role and Skills of a Tester in an Agile Team
- Agile Tester Skills
- The Role of a Tester in an Agile Team
Agile Testing Methods, Techniques, and Tools
- Agile Testing Methods
- Test-Driven Development, Acceptance Test-Driven Development, and Behavior-Driven Development
- The Test Pyramid
- Testing Quadrants, Test Levels, and Testing Types
- The Role of a Tester
- Assessing Quality Risks and Estimating Test Effort
- Assessing Quality Risks in Agile Projects
- Estimating Testing Effort Based on Content and Risk
- Techniques in Agile Projects
- Acceptance Criteria, Adequate Coverage, and Other Information for Testing
- Applying Acceptance Test-Driven Development
- Functional and Non-Functional Black Box Test Design
- Exploratory Testing and Agile Testing
- Tools in Agile Projects
- Task Management and Tracking Tools
- Communication and Information Sharing Tools
- Software Build and Distribution Tools
- Configuration Management Tools
- Test Design, Implementation, and Execution Tools
Basis of QTP/UFT
Basis of QTP/UFT
Introduction to Automation
- Testing
- What is Automation Testing?
- Benefits of Automation Testing?
- Manual Testing vs. Automation Testing
- Types of Automation Testing Tools
- Tool selection Criteria
- Automation Testing Process
- When should Test Automation be used?
- When should Test Automation be avoided?
- Introduction to QuickTest
- Overview of Add-In Manager & QuickTest
- QuickTest Window & Tools
- QuickTest Commands
- Tools in QuickTest
- Record & Playback
- Recording a Test
- Understanding your recorded Test
- Executing a Test
- Different Recording Levels
- Default Recording
- Analog Recording
- Low Level Recording
- Analyzing the Results
Basis of Selenium
Basis of Selenium
Selenium Introduction & IDE
- Overview of Selenium
- Java Setup
- eclipse setup
- why java for selenium
- First eclipse project
- First Java Program
- Installation of IDE
- Recording of script
- Running script
- RC overview & WebDriver2.X
- RC introduction
- Overview of webdriver
- configuration
- Drivers for FF.IE, Chrome
- Firepath & firebug addon installation
- Finding element using locators ID,xpath,link,CSS ..etc.
- Handling drop down
- Handling Alert
- Handling multiple windows
- Close & quite difference
- Open & navigate
- TESTNG & reporting
- Overview of webdriver 3.x
Mock Interview Preparation
Please find the Software Testing course details. Classes and Course can be designed/customize as per request
Duration of Module
Software Testing Course Module | Software Testing Duration |
Manual Software Testing | 45 – 50 (Hours) |
ISTQB Certification – Foundation Level | 25 – 30 (Hours) |
Advanced Selenium | 35 – 40 (Hours) |
QTP / UFT | 30 – 35 (Hours) |
Agile Testing | 20 – 25 (Hours) |
Manual + ISTQB Software Testing | 65 – 75 (Hours) |
Manual + Automation Software Testing Overview – (QTP/UFT or Selenium Testing) | 55 – 60 (Hours) |
Manual + Automation Software Testing Overview – (QTP/UFT & Selenium Testing) | 65 – 75 (Hours) |
Manual + Advanced Selenium or Advanced QTP/UFT Testing | 80 – 90 (Hours) |
Manual + ISTQB + (Advanced Selenium or Advanced QTP/UFT) | 95 – 110 (Hours) |
Batch Timings
Software Testing Schedule | Software Testing Timing |
Monday to Friday | 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM |
Monday to Friday | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM |
Monday to Friday | 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM |
Monday to Friday | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM |
Saturday/Sunday | 8:00 | 12:00 | 2:00 | 4:00 |
Sunday | 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM |
Sunday | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM |
Sunday | 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM |
Sunday | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM |
Download Software Testing Course Brochure
What is the scope of Manual and Automation Testing?
There is a huge demand for professional software testers with Manual and Automation Testing knowledge in the current business market which is expected to increase in upcoming years.
What if I miss any classes of all behind?
You can request for backup classes which we will arrange and schedule as per the availability of the candidate and the Teachers.
What is the total duration of the manual and Automation Software Testing training course?
The total duration of the course is 110 hours for 3 months for regular classes vary for the weekend batches.
I only wish to receive training in Automation Software Testing. Can I do so?
Yes, candidates can choose a particular module for the software testing course for which they will have to pay a fee as per the module selected.
I am a working professional. Can I attend the training in the weekend?
Yes, we also provide weekend classes and try to allot batch timing according to the preference of the candidate to give them job freedom.
Are the trainers certified in Software Testing training?
Our trainers are highly certified and industry experts with over 10 years of experience in Software Testing field.
Rohit Kumar
Very good experience continuing to learn course from SLA CONSULTANT INDIA and join a company through institution in the middle of my course. Thanks supporting staff-Administration Team!
Deepak Sharma
I have completed Advanced Excel & Visual Basic Automation training course from SLA Consultants India. I had amazing experience after completion of training program and I would like to say thanks to the trainer, who elaborate solution for all the problems very quickly at the same time with very easy Technic to better understanding. Trainers are very kind and helpful. I would like to rank him 5 out of 5. I am so much obliged and feeling grateful, thanks a ton for the great support by trainers and thank you SLA Consultants India.
Ummed Ali
SLA Consultants India is better institute to learn practical training courses than any others. it provides the best training to their students. The teaching staff is very knowledgeable & professional for MIS and VBA courses. I learned a lot there and better career path.
Himanshu Nautiyal
I have done MIS & VBA course form SLA Consultants India under the guidance of Anoop Sir, he has a very good knowledge & experience. He is a professional Trainer & his way of teaching is very good. It is great experience for me to grow with my skill & work efficiency. It is very good Platform who wants to build-up their career in MIS. Also thanks to Swati Mam for Co-ordinate with us and help me to find a good platform.
Ekta Sharma
It has been a good experience for me to take a professional training from SLA. I have taken the GST classes. If I talk about it’s placement, it is also good. The package depends on your academic performance and your interview.
Jyoti Yadav
I wanted to make my career in HR but could not afford to do an MBA course. SLA Consultants provided me with theoretical as well as practical training in HR and I am working as HR Executive with a reputed company now even without an MBA. Thanks SLA. You made my life easier.
I dreamed of making a career in HR but I did not want to go into a core recruitment job role. This is where SLA helped me. The trained made me a multitasker by teaching me all aspects of HR from payroll to labor law. This training helped me make my dream of working as a HR professional come true.
Brijendra PATHAK
SLA Consultants has excellent trainers who are not just concentrated on finishing a class. They really helped me learn new things and were patient when I made mistakes. Thanks to the trainers I have got a job I love and I am good at it too.
Abhishek Bharti
I have great experience in SLA Consultants India for Excel and VBA Macros with expert trainers.
Ashish Tiwari
All trainers and staff are too good especially want to say thanks to placement team, who always Co-operates with me.
Naveen Sharma
SLA Consultants made me a better HR professional in just a few weeks. I am proudly working as an HR Manager now and have a team under me. I am really thankful to them for their constant support before and after the completion of the course.
Hemant Harshwal
I have joined SLA Consultants India for Advanced Excel and VBA. Have gone through no. of classes and got good knowledge about Excel and VBA. Our trainerwas very supportive and patiently explains every thing. He is very cooperative apart of training he also suggest regarding our career.
Sujata Teotia
I dreamed of making a career in HR but I did not want to go into a core recruitment job role. This is where SLA helped me. The trained made me a multitasker by teaching me all aspects of HR from payroll to labor law. This training helped me make my dream of working as a HR professional come true.
Niraj Nandan
I had read a lot of SLA Consultants consumer complaints before signing up for a training program in HR. Thankfully, all the doubts I had were fake and the Institute helped me to get a job in a dream company. Thank you, team SLA!!
Anand Kumar Jha
My love for Data Management was turned into a career opportunity by SLA Consultants. They helped me learn all latest MIS software and made me a champion of Data Management. I have a great career path thanks to the SLA Team.
Amrisha Priya
The SLA Consultants India team is outstanding. They really help the students to achieve their objectives. I joined SLA and learnt all the desirable concepts which helped me to secure the right place in my career. I strongly recommend the students to join SLA and thus they will be able to shape their careers.
Inderveer Singh Verma
Integrated training & Career support of SLA Consultants made my career more joyful and gave me an opportunity to work with Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. Senior Executive (Accounts & Finance) at Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited Unit-Pharmacy
Md Sadik
SLA Consultants played the role of a friend, philosopher and guide in my career. They helped me learn complex software and complicated terminologies in such a manner that I now excel at MIS Management. I also love the job they have helped me get.
Vinay Tiwari
My experience in SLA is quite well.I have taken classes for both modules Advance Excel and VBA Macros. Whenever I raised for any doubt and to be honest my all queries and doubt were sorted out patiently. I must say my trainer was quite supportive and patiently explained everything. Even though I have taken classes on weekend basis, but never feel like that the course is running or missing anywhere. And now I am too confident about Excel and VBA after completion of training under expert trainers. I will always recommend everyone to Join SLA Consultants India, if they are interested in MIS and RPA etc..
Kedar Pradhan
I joined MIS/VBA training at SLA Consultants India. This type of practical oriented classroom training is very helpful for everybody and who will follows classes given by expert trainers with practical orientation approach regularly. Finally in my words “SLA Consultants India” is the best for learning professional or job oriented classroom programs.
Manish Gupta
I Joined SLA Consultants India for learning GST & ITR training and my experience was very good with the institute and also they helped me to get better placement and now I am working as Accounts Executive.
Priyanka Tiwari
I did not know what to do in life. Then I saw the ad of SLA Consultants. After getting knowledge of all their course offerings, I selected MIS and loved it from the start. Thank you for making my career and helping me get a good life SLA.
Kumar Gautam
I joined MIS/VBA training at SLA. This type of practical oriented classroom training is very helpful & who’ll follow classes under the expert trainers with this approach ensures that they will learn completely about subject in short period of time. “SLA Consultants India” is the best for learning job-oriented classroom programs. Thanks to expert trainers and Placement team for the best support.
People say that the job of an HR Generalist is very tough as the person has to take on multiple roles. Thanks to SLA Consultants, I did not feel that I cannot take on multiple roles. The trainers made me a superstar and I can deal with any HR issue right now, as the trainers have shared extensive knowledge with me.
Rahul Pal
From my point of view, SLA is the good institute, I’ll strongly recommend SLA Consultants India. Training institute for Analyst courses. I am pursuing my Data Analyst Course from the institute under the guidance & knowledge of professional Data Analyst trainers, & my two modules (Advance Excel and VBA) of the course has been completed. I must say that they have good faculty, as well as have the great infrastructure for learning and practicing.
Hariom Agarwal
The staff, trainers, and management of SLA Consultants is great. These people really help freshers like me to get a good job. They have changed thousands of lives and I am happy to say that mine was also changed by them. So thank you.
Aditya Pratap
I’ve completed the MIS training from SLA Consultants India and now I believe that SLA provides the excellent & quality training. I got placed in a reputed company with complete placement support provided the SLA placement team.
Rahul Kumar
I have done MIS & VBA Training form SLA Consultants under the guidance of professional trainer, has a very good knowledge & experience in Corporate & MNC. He is professional Trainer & his way of teaching is as per the corporate requirement. I’d great experience for me to grow my skill & work efficiency. It is very good pelt from who wants to build-up their career in MIS.
Archit Khandelwal
Thanks to SLA consultants for giving me such type of opportunity, Great Institute with great teaching faculty. SLA is one of the class-apart institutions for those who learn something. I got a job in Fortune marketing Pvt Ltd as MIS Executive. SLA give me the confidence of ” I CAN “
Rohit Bhagat
I strongly recommend SLA Consultants India, Training Institute for doing courses. I am doing my Data Analyst course in SLA Consultants India, Laxmi Nagar-Head Office, till now my two modules(Advanced Excel and VBA) have been completed. Its been good experience with a trainer, as they shared me a lot of knowledge in brief. At the institute, trainers and admin staff are good & cooperative.
Rashmi Pal
SLA Consultants made me a better HR professional in just a few weeks. I am proudly working as an HR Payroll Executive now and have a team under me. I am really thankful to them for their constant support before and after the completion of the course.
Ibadat Hussain
I want to tell you all that SLA Consultants had made my life. I was just a graduate with not so good marks when I came to them. They trained me, helped me learn and now I am a successful Accounts Executive. I hope you enjoy the Accounting Course as much as I did.
Neha Attri
SLA Consultants is a great place for young students who want a job without spending a lot of money. I have learnt a lot there and they helped me get a stable job in a company of my choice. I will forever be thankful to them for guiding me towards a great career path and helping me make a good life for myself.
Neeraj Gupta
SLA Consultants is too good institution & very helpful. If u want to achieve something in your life so please join today SLA Consultants India. Especially I would like to thank SLA Team & Trainer under I have attained the training.
Tegbahadur Singh
My love for Data Management was turned into a career opportunity by SLA Consultants. They helped me learn all latest MIS software and made me a champion of Data Management. I have a great career path thanks to the SLA Team.
Manikant Jha
SLA Consultants is a boon to all the freshers who are not getting any good jobs. They trained me as an Accounts Executive by using interesting and innovative teaching methodologies. They also helped me get a job when I was in the last leg of the course which was really a pleasant surprise for me.
Ishav Rana
SLA Consultants India is the one of the best place of knowledge and obtain training. I’ve completed my tally, TDS & GST Classes from the best teachers available with the institution.
Kapil Negi
Data Management has always attracted me. SLA Consultants turned this hobby in a professional skill by teaching me all about MIS Management. I got a good job now and I am very happy with my life.
SLA Consultants is a name every new student or eager professional should trust. They helped me make a career switch and helped me land a job while I was about to complete the course. Their placement team is really efficient.
Anil Kumar
It was one of the best decisions to join SLA consultants for my course. The course that I pursued here was very well planned and executed. I’m highly satisfied with professional trainers. The lectures were easy to understand & industrial based & every doubt of mine was properly explained. I would recommend SLA Consultants India to all those who are willing to grow in their careers and do well.
Bharti Sharma
People say that the job of an HR Executive is very tough as the person has to take on multiple roles. Thanks to SLA Consultants, I did not feel that I cannot take on multiple roles. The trainers made me a superstar and I can deal with any HR issue right now as the trainers have shared extensive knowledge with me.
Neha Batra
SLA Consultants made me a better HR professional in just a few weeks. I am proudly working as an Sr.HR Executive now and have a team under me. I am really thankful to them for their constant support before and after the completion of the course.
Anil Kumar Pal
Thanks to SLA consultants, my company values me a lot. I can churn out data from a huge database within a few minutes and keep the management happy. The ever cooperative trainers of SLA have made me capable of doing that and I will be grateful to them.
I wanted to make my career in HR but could not afford to do an MBA course. SLA Consultants provided me with theoretical as well as practical training in HR and I am working as HR Executive with a reputed company now even without an MBA. Thanks SLA. You made my life easier.
Sharmistha Das
Great Institute with great teaching faculty. It has good placement team & process. Satisfied after studying from this institute. It is the best HR training institute.
Amit Kumar
I hope, my review may help to those who are searching for an institution where they can enhance their skills and get a placement as well. I have joined SLA Consultants India for complete MIS course, my trainer is one of the best teacher of my life. Who are searching for a institute joined it immediately without hassle & wasting your time. Trainer will teach you both theoretical as well as practical knowledge, also prepare you for interviews. The best thing about trainer is that they help you even after you completion of your course, share queries on e-mail or Whats-App your query and you will get your problem resolved. My over all experience was awesome.
Ashutosh Saini
After I completed my schooling, I had no idea about what should I do. Then a friend told me about SLA and that was that. They helped me become a number wizard and taught me everything about Accounting which helped me get a good job at a place near my house and has made my life.
Abhishek Pandey
SLA Consultants is a great place for young students who want a job without spending a lot of money. I have learnt a lot there and they helped me get a stable job in a company of my choice. I will forever be thankful to them for guiding me towards a great career path and helping me make a good life for myself.
Sushil kumar yadav
Thanks to SLA consultants, my company values me a lot. I can churn out data from a huge database within a few minutes and keep the management happy. The ever cooperative trainers of SLA have made me capable of doing that and I will be grateful to them.
Deepak Sharma
There are a lot of fake training institutes in Delhi but SLA Consultants is not one of them. SLA Consultants India is a reliable institute that has a great team and awesome trainers who helped me settle in life by allowing me to work for the reputed Taj Group.
Prafull Jha
None of my batch mates had a good job and I was worried sick over my career. SLA Consultants came as a ray of hope for me. They honed my accounting knowledge and helped me get a good job. I was the first among my batch mates to get a job and I am very happy with SLA team.
Nazia Praveen
From the first day I entered the office of SLA Consultants, they helped me. I completed the admission process swiftly and started learning MIS whenever it was convenient. Now I am working in a full time job that’s not hectic but enjoyable.
Bhavani Singh
The experience with SLA Consultants India is phenomenal. It trained me to become industry ready and exposed me to various important work practices. The staff is extremely cordial and cooperative. The faculty members are the experienced and experts in the subjects taught by them. I thank SLA & Team for the quality services and placement assistance provided by them.
Samriti Attreja
I wanted to make a career in HR and I had a knack for understanding laws and regulations. SLA Consultants helped me to become a HR law expert within a few weeks. Every rupee I spent on the course is worth it as I have gained knowledge for life.
Satendra Sharma
I did not have any idea what I will do in life. SLA Consultants gave direction to my life by recognizing my skills with numbers and training me as an Accounts Executive. I have a stable job now thanks to teaming SLA and I am getting better at my job every day due to the amazing training they provided me.
Manisha Singh
Well, I take the practical training in Accounts, & GST is going. Guys, if you want to learn and enhance your skills, so it is a good institute for build or making your resume well versed in the global market.
Ashwani Tripathi
My career path seemed to be stuck at the same place for months. So when I approached SLA Consultants. They trained me so well in Accounts that I got a senior position I always wished for and the bonus is that I love my job because I am so good at it.
Arshad Khan
SLA Consultants made me a better HR professional in just a few weeks. I am proudly working as an HR Manager now and have a team under me. I am really thankful to them for their constant support before and after the completion of the course.
Santosh Kumar
When I joined, I didn’t have a clue about MIS Management and now my friends call me an expert of MIS. All thanks to SLA Consultants who filled me with great knowledge and software training without charging a lot of money.
The team of trainers working with SLA is amazing. The support staff is always there to help and Arbind Sir was a great guide. I will never forget my time at SLA and I thank them for the job they helped me get after I completed my course.
Rajbir Sharma
SLA Consultants played the role of a friend, philosopher and guide in my career. They helped me learn complex software and complicated terminologies in such a manner that I now excel at MIS Management. I also love the job they have helped me get.
Pawan Gupta
I think SLA Consultants is the best place for skill development. They made me a professional from a fresher and I have seen them do the same for hundreds of students. I highly recommend them to very student or professional seeking career growth.
Tanzeel Mohammad
They actually do what they commit, I took classes for HR Generalist training & I am really satisfied with trainers as he explained every topic in a very efficient way. Now I am utilizing his guidance and also SLA committed me that they will provide me the good placement opportunities and they did as they said. So, I am really satisfied with the classes and their efforts for SLA students.
Indresh Kumar
I didn’t know anything about MIS management when I joined SLA Consultants. They helped me to learn the craft of managing, sorting and presenting data and now I am a valuable asset in my company. Thank You, SLA Consultants. I will always be grateful to you.
The team of trainers working with SLA is amazing. The support staff is always there to help and Arbind Sir was a great guide. I will never forget my time at SLA and I thank them for the job they helped me get after I completed my course.